Instructions | How to Fold

The unique Miura fold is not the easiest technique to grasp as it doesn't follow the traditional 90 degree angle of folding we're all so familiar with. Yes it's challenging, but not impossible. And the results are well worth the effort!

Here's a slideshow to walk you through the folding process. For those of you who prefer written instructions, see below.

Folding Trial

Practice the Miura fold using a small letter-sized template you can print at home.

Download template
  • The poster arrives in a lovely triangle shipper

Step-by-Step Directions

1. Gather needed tools and prepare your poster for folding

Unroll your poster and let it flatten out naturally overnight. Or try re-rolling it the opposite direction to try to flatten it. Make sure you have a ruler (or straight edge) and a cutting tool of your choice. Cut off the informational strip along the right edge of the poster.

2. Equate dash type with fold type

Notice the 2 types of dashed lines that are lightly printed on the poster: short and compact vs long and spaced out. The short and compact dashes indicate valley folds. The long and spaced dashes indicate mountain folds. Make sure you are familiar with each type of fold.

3. Start with the valley folds

Starting from the outside and working towards the center, use a flat edge (ruler) to crease all the valley folds. To do this, place the ruler along the dashed line on the front of the poster and, with your other hand on the backside of the poster, push the paper up towards you. Bend the paper using the edge of the ruler and use your finger to run the length of the dashed line to make a crease.

4. Now complete the mountain folds

Once all the valley fold creases are completed, I ditch the ruler and simply use my hands to create all the mountain folds. This is the part that takes some patience as the paper will want to fight you. The interior mountain folds are especially challenging. Don't worry if you have to gently bend a valley fold in the opposite direction for a moment in order to be able to make a nearby mountain fold. The paper has "muscle memory" and will go back to the original crease you made.

5. Start to contract the paper like an accordion

Once you've completed all the valley and mountain folds the paper will naturally start to contract into a zigzagged accordion looking shape. Gently push it to contract more but make sure you straighten and pinch valley folds along the way. Also make sure the peaks/corners created where the mountain and valley folds meet, remain pointy as the paper contracts.

6. If needed, double check the mountain and valley folds

If you find that the paper doesn't want to easily contract, it's probably because you forgot to crease a mountain fold, or valley fold, or both. So open it back up and double check you didn't miss anything.

7. Put it under something heavy

Once the paper is perfectly folded into shape, gently step on it with bare feet or wedge it under a heavy book for a while. It will help the piece lie flat and not try to pop open on it's own like that snake in a nut can prank.

Your poster is now ready to use!

When holding the folded poster, make sure you are looking at the white (non-printed) side and the "stairs" made by the folds are headed up and to the right. This is the orientation the poster needs to be in so it appears correctly to the intended audience when opened.
